Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My intense affair with Gravity

I was on the edge of my seat before the lights went out in the movie theater. I'm getting mentally ready to see the movie Gravity with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. The idea of a movie mainly having two people in outer space was so intriguing to me. The movie focuses on two astronauts trying to get back to Earth, after being in space for months. However, tragedy starts to bloom when space debris starts flying into their space shuttle. As the two astronauts start to abort their mission, the debris flies into the shuttle causing major damage and killing the space crew.

Throughout the movie, I'm on the edge of my seat. I hold my breath from time to time as the two astronauts face falling debris, oxygen packs losing air and loss of communications with NASA.The thriller moves at a steady, frantic pace, as the two outer space travelers, find creative ways to get back to earth. One striking thing about Sandra Bullock's character, Dr. Ryan Stone, is the underline, emotional reason she is in outer space. Her 4 year old daughter died in a freak accident and she would rather be in outer space than deal with the death of her daughter. You realize that Dr. Stone is afraid to die in outer space, but realizes that if she dies, she can be with her daughter spiritually. It's painful to see a brilliant astronaut struggling with death, but she has to survive to begin healing from her past. This made going back home for Dr. Stone more meaningful.

What is more intense is the sacrifice that George Clooney's character, Matt Kowalsky, makes to get Dr. Stone back to earth. I try not to sob about how the veteran space traveler ends his long career in space. This movie is about the gravity of space, but more about the gravity of the choices we make. We also see how the gravity of regret, loss and lonliness can be lifted if we face our past, take a leap forward by letting go, so we can be stronger.

I enjoyed my ride in outer space with Gravity. Through the film's only two actors, the gravity of life is examined in outer space. We don't have to go far from home to explore the gravity of life. We just need to connect to our emotions and make sure that we can live with our decisions because regret weighs tons.

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