Monday, October 24, 2016

A Better Life With Eva - Telecommunications, Writing, Online Writing Jobs

A Better Life With Eva - Telecommunications, Writing, Online Writing Jobs: A Better Life with Eva in New York helps to find the best rates for telecommunications, utilities and writing services.

Waiting for Permission to Live

Luke 17: 20-21: "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

Many people are waiting for someone to give them permission to live. Now, you might say, "Eva, What you do mean?" Some people are waiting for their parents, friends or spouse to give them permission to go after their dream, or ask for what they want. What many people are yearning for might not be money but for a better life. A better life could be a major promotion to gain more income, or access to more opportunities. Better could also mean changing career paths, like not going to college and pursue a career in the arts. It could mean moving to another part of the country for a new start.

The question is what is your soul or spirit yearning for? These things cannot be satisfied through marriage, having children, money, or higher education. Some things, like a career change, could mean using the gifts that God has already given you. Some people are good with their hands, like cooking, woodcarving, or a great event planner. It is not that you don't want to get married, stay married, or are unhappy as a parent. It means that there is a calling and purpose you must submit to, regardless of where you are in your life. That is when you know you have found your purpose.

So what do you do with this new found purpose? How do I acknowledge it? What would my friends, spouse or parents say? How do I go through the change? Am I willing to change? These thoughts can be overwhelming, but they are real and valid. The first step is to have faith that God has given you everything you need to accomplish your purpose. The fear of rejection is real, but so is the life you imagined and it is waiting for you to come and get it. You do not need permission, but you do need to make up a plan of what you want to accomplish and how to use your skills.

It's important to share with others, but those whom you feel will be open to hearing about your purpose. Seek guidance from someone you trust, as well as seek out books and empowerment classes in centers and libraries for help. Find likeminded people who do want more out of life and who are not satisfied, with what's been given to them. It may be a lot of sacrifice, but in the long term, it's worth it.